- attachment to someone对某人的依恋
- bring to an endv.使结束;煞尾;
- come to an agreementv.达成协议;说妥;敲定;谐;
- close to the vestadv.用在一般情况下就是指一个人非常小心不让别人知道他在干什么,谨慎小心,保守秘密。,;
- fight to the death背城借一;死战;作殊死战;
- go to seav.去当水手,出航;出海;下海;
- go so far as to do做得太远了
- the same to you你也一样;同祝;
- hand to mouth心手相牵(歌名);
- identify oneself withv.参加到…中;
- lock oneself inv.闭门谢客;
- lay to rest安葬;取消;
- get to someone's feet让别人站起来
- person to person calln.叫人电话;
- resort to force诉诸武力;拿刀动杖;
- refuse obedience to the referee[体]不服从裁判;
- used to do过去常常做某事;
- set oneself up asv.以…自居;
- to wire打电报;
- to tune in调谐;
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